Data Analyst Online Course

We believe that anyone who has the desire to learn, should be able to master Data analytics and business intelligence with our course.

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Wednesday, July 6, 2022

Data Analyst Technical Skills You Should Be Aware Of

Data Analytics is the discipline that deals with data management through collection and storage, as well as the techniques, processes, and tools that aid in data analysis. The goal of Data Analytics is to discover patterns, valuable correlations, and previously unseen trends, and then extract meaningful insights that can aid in making business decisions, making predictions, and improving efficiency.

Data Analyst Technical Skills

We will look at the key Hard/Technical Skills required to be a Data Analyst in this section. These Top Data Analyst Skills are related to some of the key areas that Data Analysts are concerned with when carrying out their professional responsibilities.

R and Python for Statistical Programming

R and Python are Statistical Programming Languages that can help you conduct advanced analysis and predictive analytics as a Data Analyst. If you're good at writing programs in these languages, you'll be able to clean, manage, analyze, and visualize data quickly.

R is one of the most widely used programming languages in the field of data analytics. Its structure and syntax were designed specifically to facilitate analytical work. It is capable of handling complex and large volumes of data while also incorporating several simple and built-in data commands.


SQL, or Structured Query Language, proficiency is one of the most important skills for Data Analysts. It is a standard database language and is frequently referred to as Excel's "graduated" version. It is widely accepted as a standard method of handling and querying data in relational databases. SQL expertise allows you to develop efficiency in data management and storage, as well as in relating multiple databases and building or altering database structures. Data Analyst Skills include the ability to create joins, retrieve data, create aggregations, and develop stored procedures. SQL can help with all of these.


Python is regarded as one of the best general-purpose programming languages. Its importance in the advancement of Artificial Intelligence (AI) is considerable. Furthermore, it includes a number of specialized libraries, many of which are related to AI. Since the tech landscape is increasingly influenced by artificial intelligence, proficiency in Python is one of the Data Analyst Key Skills that professionals cannot overlook.


Data Analytics and Business Intelligence course (DA/BI course) is one of the best data analytics programs offered by Syntax Technologies in the market. The program is designed to train people with little to no programming background to become data professionals that combine analytical skills and programming skills - using data manipulation, data visualization, data cleansing, and much more to make sense of real-world data sets and create data dashboards/visualizations to share your findings.

Wednesday, June 15, 2022

Benefits of Data Science Course

 Data analysts and data scientists are the most sought after by associations like LinkedIn, Facebook, Groupon and Amazon. These associations need to oversee colossal proportion of unrefined data and search for the very progressed experts to enhance the gig for them. Various endeavors are furthermore utilizing these colossal data, scientists like government workplaces, huge retailers, long reach casual correspondence districts and even insurance powers.

Data analysts have a huge calling improvement and there wins a colossal opening among capacity and enrolling, truly expecting that there are more open situations than the guaranteed data scientists to have them.

Database the leaders prepared experts, who can really use DBMS programming like Oracle, SQL, are in consistent interest by associations, etc. The business examination and knowledge region has a boundless vacant positions and obtaining potential. It is one of the top pay outfitting fields with work profiles like Business Analysts, Business Intelligence Analysts, SAS Data Analysts, Big Data Scientists, IBM Data Analysts, Data Mining Engineer, Enterprise Data Architect, Hadoop Engineer, Senior Data Scientist, Data Warehouse Architect, Senior Big Data Analysts, etc. They get $250,000 per annum on a typical as pay notwithstanding various settlements and inspirations. A data scientist can similarly fill in as a subject matter expert and secure up to $30 - 80 consistently depending upon his capacities, dominance, project size and requirements.

About the course:

The contenders get an electronically sharable statement on successfully finishing the undertakings and clearing a web based test. They can make reference to this statement in their resume to weightage to it. The new kids on the block need to complete the responsibilities and endeavors selected as per the timetable to get capability for the electronic test. On really clearing the course, the promising new kids on the block become market-ready and the association gives position assist with a great many endeavors like banking and cash, insurance, travel and transportation, and clinical benefits industry, to give a few models. The contenders ought to have a nice request of math and estimations to get a handle on goliath figures.

The course covers different subjects and gadgets that goes probably as body and soul in database the board like key Statistics, Hypothesis Testing, Data Mining and Clearing, Machine Learning, Data Forecasting, Data Visualization, Programming Languages like Mattlab, C++, Hadoop, Plotting Libraries Like Python, Plotly, Matplotlib, etc.

Benefits of the course:

This is a complete industry-centered statement course that sets you up for the field of chances via preparing the latest examples in the business to deal with the monstrous proportion of data with their especially arranged instructive program, utilitarian data on assessment gadgets, errands and context oriented examinations close by consistent data analysis. The course outfits you with industry affiliations and frameworks organization astonishing entryways. This program, rotated around business information and keen capacities defeats any issues between capacity interest and supply by giving or giving the fit master an air where they can tenaciously learn and furnish themselves with the board capacities, plan thinking, decisive reasoning and collaboration.

Expecting you likewise are regarded with extraordinary programming data or intelligent capacities and keep up with that your knowledge ought to be used to the best and wish to differentiate the resistance, get yourself chosen to The Best Institute of Dubai offering data science Certificate Course and get an edge over others.

Companies that want to improve their cultures should use data analytics

 Data analytics technology is rapidly becoming a more integral part of many company cultures. According to the 2021 State of Data Maturity Report, 32% of companies have formal data strategies. Although they are still the minority, this figure has risen from almost nothing under a decade ago.

Data analytics serves many different purposes. We have talked at length about the benefits of using big data to improve financial management and implement more effective marketing strategies.

However, one of the most beneficial aspects of data analytics is with building an effective workplace. Many companies are using big data to get a deeper understanding of the nuances of their company culture. They are also using it to improve relationships between employees.

Using Data Analytics Can Help Create a Better Company Culture

We previously interviewed a number of company executives on the benefits of using data analytics to improve their company culture. The findings from these interviews is even more important today, as the need to improve company cultures is more pressing than ever.

The unexpected onset of a global pandemic has led to disruptive progress in workplaces all over the world. Companies have been experiencing painful and uncertain times that are making them re-evaluate their policies and welcome the concept of remote working. As the demand for flexible working increases and the vaccination drive is being accelerated across the world, it is time for companies to think of workplace transitions with a human-centric and hybrid approach in near future. Data analytics can help them bridge that gap.

Data analytics technology is making it easier for them to revamp their workplace management practices. This is going to improve employee satisfaction.

The change necessary for the future

The idea of human-centric, data-driven digital workplace solutions makes even more sense in the current scenario. After all, business models have to be simple and human to maximize productivity. Employee values have to be taken into account in this case.

Naturally, the industries, customers, and clients are all agreeing to shift towards a digital workplace experience predicated on big data. This comes with enhanced flexibility because of their loyalty to organizations promoting holistic workforce growth and sustainable actions. Simply relying on delivering good services or products doesn’t suffice anymore for a company. They must use data analytics to keep up with changes and overhaul their business models as needed.

Companies will have to take a data-driven approach to retain talent in the new normal. After all, with digital workplace services coming to the forefront, employees are focusing more on things like remote working, work-life balance, and integration, instead of only on professional growth.

Using Data Analytics to Create Human-Centric Workplaces

What are specific ways that data analytics can help create a better workplace? Some of the benefits are listed below.

Monitoring employee wellbeing – The pandemic has made the emotional and mental health of the workforce take a hit. Thus, a digital workplace transformation has to involve checking on employees and ensuring that their expectations are met in the workplace. Companies can use data analytics to monitor employee sentiments, as well as indirect precursors of their happiness. This can include evaluating data like leave time used, which might be an indicator of stress.

Flexible working hour – Most of the workforce has enjoyed this particular opportunity since the pandemic. They didn’t have to spend time commuting, spend more time with family, and balanced domestic chores. However, the value of the office is going to emerge as the future workplaces are away from home and take into consideration different tasks and working styles that cannot always be done from home. Data analytics can help companies determine what tasks must be accomplished and make sure they don’t schedule more employees than needed. This saves employees from having to come in for idle work. This data-centric approach allows for greater scheduling flexibility.

Interpersonal Relations – As workplace-managed services have made progress in recent years, it is necessary to consider that team-building initiatives are affected in remote work scenarios. The future, hybrid workplaces that employees are soon going to come back to will offer more opportunities for dynamic interactions among colleagues and teams. Data analytics can help companies keep track of the performance of employees during these team-building initiatives.

External and internal growth – Workplaces will have to create prospects for job and skill growth within the hybrid workplace. Organizations will even encourage employees to develop such skills that might go beyond their current position but be necessary for the future. This is arguably the best application of data analytics. Companies can use data tools and OKRs to see how various behaviors contribute to organizational goals.

This is how data analytics helps companies to improve there culture and there are so many ways to use this technology. If you are someone who is interested in choosing data analytics as a career option then it is better to have a certification in it.

Data analytics is a highly rewarding career choice and there are many different pathways into the field. We hope this article has helped shed some light on the many learning options available to you. If you’d like to discuss your future in data with a real person, schedule a call with Syntax Technologies.

Our data analyst training provides students with the remarkable opportunity to evolve as experts in the field and consequently, enter one of the most sought-after domains of the tech industry.

Monday, June 6, 2022

Why the data analytics is prescriptive analytics

Analytics is probably the most essential tool a company has today to gain customer insights. This is why the Big Data space is set to reach over $273 Billion by 2023 and companies like Microsoft, Amazon, and Google among so many others are so heavily invested in not only collecting data but enabling data for the enterprise.

As AI and machine learning continue to develop, the way we use analytics also continues to grow and change. While in the past, businesses focused on harvesting descriptive data about their customers and products, more and more, they're about pulling both predictive and prescriptive learning from the information they gather, So what is the difference between descriptive, predictive, and prescriptive analytics? And do you need the latter in your company?

If you're new to the data analytics field, let's do a quick overview:

Your business is probably using analytics to predict trends and plan for the future. But don't forget about prescriptive analytics, which leads to concrete decisions.

Predictive and prescriptive analytics are two important parts of a data strategy.

Predictive analytics helps find potential outcomes, while prescriptive analytics looks at those outcomes and finds even more paths of options to consider.

Both types of analytics can help any small business get ahead of the curve.

This article is for small business owners who are considering implementing predictive and prescriptive analytics practices but don’t yet understand the concepts in a meaningful way.

Big data gets a lot of buzz in the business world. It’s true that data analytics can give you deep, useful insights about your business and its customers, but to benefit from those insights, you have to know how to interpret the data and apply it to your business strategy.

There are three main components of business analytics: descriptive, predictive and prescriptive. Descriptive analytics, the “simplest class of analytics,” is the raw data in summarized form, Michael Wu, chief scientist at Khoros/Lithium Technologies, wrote in a blog post. It includes social engagement counts, sales numbers, customer statistics and other metrics that show you what’s happening in your business in an easy-to-understand way. The other two types of analytics, predictive and prescriptive, take that data and turn it into actionable information.

The future is all about data and its analysis. Our Data Analytics course with Business Intelligence training provides students with the remarkable opportunity to evolve as experts in the field and consequently, enter one of the most sought after domains of the tech industry.


Friday, June 3, 2022

QA Teams Need All-in-One Data Analytics Platforms for Testing

Data analytics is an essential component of modern product development. Big data is being used by businesses for a variety of reasons. The QA procedure is one of the most important advantages.

QA requirements have been enhanced as a result of advances in data analytics. To get the most out of their QA procedures, companies need to invest in higher-quality data analytics tools. Rather than depending on a fragmented set of big data technologies, this means developing solid, all-in-one solutions.

All-in-One Big Data Platforms Are Key to Successful QA Systems

QA engineers use a variety of big data tools in their work. All of these solutions are designed to make work more efficient, but in practice very often there is confusion. In this case, it is expected that each new tool will complicate things. This is not entirely true.

A high-quality testing platform easily integrates with all the data analytics and optimization solutions that QA teams use in their work and simplifies the testing process, collects all reporting and analytics in one place, can significantly improve team productivity, and speeds up the release. Let’s figure out what a testing platform is and why it is beneficial to use it. This is an important part of big data testing for teams.

Why is a testing platform a necessity for Agile teams? Hint: It’s all about release speed

QA teams need a data analytics platform that would help them work effectively in a number of areas:

  • Run simple automated tests.
  • Writing scripts and running complex automated tests.
  • Data reporting.
  • Deep data analysis.
  • Communication with developers, as well as with the management.

The fact that more and more firms are adopting Agile and DevOps approaches play a big influence in this. They do this to reduce the time it takes to build software and get it to market. Integrating testing into these software delivery models necessitates new QA tools for data engineers and QA specialists that can be easily integrated into open-source test automation solutions.

Thus, the presence of an all-in-one platform that integrates the entire workflow of QA engineers allows you to strengthen the potential of the team, simplify and significantly speed up many processes.

Check out Syntax for more information about data analytics-powered education, certification, and career opportunities. Syntax technologies offer certification courses in Data analytics, such as a business intelligence Certification Course and many more. Enroll now to boost your data analytics career!  

Data Analytics is Invaluable for Companies Trying to Improve their Conversions

Local businesses have always been and will continue to be overshadowed by big brands. The dominance of e-commerce and land-based commercial regions by companies like Amazon and Walmart is a famous example. But, as a small business owner, does it imply you have no options for continuing and growing your venture?

Big brands have always dominated small enterprises, and this trend will continue. For example, Amazon and Walmart have dominated the e-commerce and brick-and-mortar retail sectors. Is this, however, implying that as a local business owner, you have no options for maintaining and growing your company?

Yes, there is one. The good news is that data analytics software can assist in leveling the playing field. Data-driven projects have a high return on investment, which helps businesses increase profits.

Strengthening your lead generation effort is the most effective strategy to revitalize your local business. Data analytics technology can help in the following ways:

  • You can use data from CRMs, social media, and other sources to better understand customer needs. This will help you create more targeted offers to entice new leads.
  • You can procure data from analytics tools to optimize your landing pages to maximize conversions.
  • You can use data analytics dashboards on your digital advertising platforms to focus on the best converting traffic, such as the PPC keywords that drive the most sales.

Paying close attention to the proper Google Analytics measures can be really beneficial. Different digital marketing tactics will allow you to position your business on a worldwide scale. However, the strategy we'll cover in the next part is more focused on your target market and can help you acquire high-impact leads. You can utilize data analytics to improve the effectiveness of the following strategies.

 1. Use Data Mining to Find the Best Strategies for Local SEO

Search Engine Optimization is a method of acquiring higher ranks in search results of engines like Google. A higher ranking means more visitors to your website, resulting in more leads. However, local SEO is much different than its global counterpart. In this case, search engines find appropriate results from social profile pages, citations, local content, and links.

To ensure your local SEO efforts, you need to check whether your web presence’s internal linking is well-structured, mobile-friendliness, rate of social media engagement, and other factors.

There are two very important ways to use data analytics to get the most out of your local SEO strategy. You can use data mining tools to find the best keywords to target. Tools like SEMRush and Ahrefs also have data analytics tools to help you reverse engineer your competitors’ link building strategies by analyzing their link profiles.

2. Positioning Localized Lead Magnet 

A lead magnet is a sort of incentive that can acquire the contact information of prospective leads. Now, when it’s considered one of the most effective ways of generating quality leads, it won’t come to your benefit if the lead magnet isn’t localized. It means you won’t be able to convert leads residing in the UK if your business is based somewhere like Dallas-Fort Worth. Hence, when creating a generic lead magnet, it is important to stay focused on the very local market you are interested in.

An outsourcing agency like Pearl Lemon Leads is capable of feeding your business with convertible leads with their well-devised lead-generating campaigns. Therefore, local businesses tend to outsource their lead generation Dallas-Fort Worth to such agencies.

If you want to create your own lead magnets, data analytics can help. Many people want to download spreadsheets or reports that have useful data, such as keywords for their own marketing campaigns. You can use data analytics tools to create these reports.

3. Use AI to Promote a Local Giveaway Program or Contests

Running a contest in your area and offering prizes to winners is considered one of the most effective utensils for lead generation for businesses. It might seem fairly similar to lead magnets, as both of these measures give valid reasons to people for sharing their contact information. However, they become competitive to win a prize they want to have in this case. Always ensure to give prizes related to the products or services your business offers in this case.

You can use AI technology to help promote your giveaway. You will be able to streamline promotional messages on social media through tools like Hootsuite.

4. Use Data Analytics to Optimize Your Landing Pages

Keeping a form on your business website’s landing page is very important for lead generation. Therefore, you should make necessary changes to keep a form asking for visitors’ contact information on your website.

Regardless, as you know, nothing is available for free. Therefore, accumulating leads from your website form will also require you to offer something to visitors in exchange. For it, you can give away webinars, eBooks, whitepapers, and more.

You should also use data analytics tools to test your forms and other landing page elements. You can see which drives the best conversions.

Check out Syntax for more information about data analytics-powered education, certification, and career opportunities. Syntax technologies offer certification courses in Data analytics, such as a business intelligence Certification Course and many more. Enroll now to boost your data analytics career!  

For Higher Conversions, Smart Businesses Must Invest in Data Analytics

Small businesses are confronted with greater obstacles than ever before. The current economic crisis does not appear to be abating anytime soon. Companies can, fortunately, use big data to improve their business strategies.

The average company receives $10.66 for every $1 they invest in data analytics. This is a stunning ROI.

Conversion rate optimization is one of the most essential ways for brands to improve their profitability using data analytics. They can use data to gain a better understanding of their customers and future trends, allowing them to generate better offers and reach out to the most interested purchasers.

Companies attempting to improve conversion rates might benefit greatly from data analytics

Big brands always had and will tend to overshadow local businesses. Companies like Amazon and Walmart dominating the e-commerce and land-based business territories is a classic example of it. But, does it have to mean you, as an owner of a local business, don’t have any resort for continuing and thriving your venture?

Indeed, there’s one. The good news is that data analytics technology can help level the playing field. The ROI of data-driven initiatives is very high, which helps companies improve their profitability.

The most effective way to rejuvenate your local business is by strengthening your lead generation endeavor, Data analytics technology can help in the following ways:

  • You can use data from CRMs, social media, and other sources to better understand customer needs. This will help you create more targeted offers to entice new leads.
  • You can procure data from analytics tools to optimize your landing pages to maximize conversions.
  • You can use data analytics dashboards on your digital advertising platforms to focus on the best converting traffic, such as the PPC keywords that drive the most sales.

Paying close attention to the right metrics in Google Analytics can help a lot. Various digital marketing strategies would give you the option of positioning your brand on a global plane. But, the approach we will discuss in the following section is more focused on your targeted market and is helpful in receiving high-impact leads. You can use data analytics to make the following strategies more effective.

Data analytics is a highly rewarding career choice and there are many different pathways into the field. We hope this article has helped shed some light on the many learning options available to you. If you’d like to discuss your future in data with a real person, schedule a call with Syntax Technologies.

Our data analytics courses provide students with the remarkable opportunity to evolve as experts in the field and consequently, enter one of the most sought-after domains of the tech industry.

Wednesday, May 25, 2022

6 Ways Data Analytics Can Help With LinkedIn Ads Targeting

Big data has become a critical component of modern marketing strategies. To improve their marketing tactics, more organizations are turning to data analytics and artificial intelligence (AI). This is especially true for businesses that use digital marketing techniques like social media.

LinkedIn is one of the sites that makes big data easier to employ for online marketing. You may optimize your marketing efforts by using their comprehensive analytics dashboard. This is covered in a blog article by Sprout Social.

However, there are other ways to use big data to get the most of your LinkedIn marketing strategy. One option is to use data analytics to improve your LinkedIn Ad targeting.

LinkedIn Advertising Can Benefit From Data Analytics

It is well known that LinkedIn is built on big data. This creates a lot of advantages for its advertisers.

LinkedIn is essential for any business focusing on B2B outreach or trying to reach decision-makers in other organizations. With a formidable strategy, you can target your ideal audience, convert them, and increase sales. Fortunately, including LinkedIn’s audience targeting options in your marketing strategy helps you optimize your budget and reach potential clients and audiences with higher chances of converting.

Consequently, this article discusses six targeting options on LinkedIn and how you can use them to drive better results in your campaign strategy. You will get a lot more value out of them by using big data to improve your targeting strategies.

What Are the Audience Targeting Options on LinkedIn?

Most experienced digital marketers are familiar with different targeting options across several social networks. They also realize that data analytics helps you improve your digital marketing strategies. Although most of these social platforms allow you to target people based on demographics or interests, LinkedIn retargeting options do more. 

This section looks at the six LinkedIn targeting options available, including the following. If you pay close attention to the data in your reporting panel, then you can optimize your ad targeting for optimal conversions.

#1 – Location

LinkedIn makes the location targeting option mandatory for all ads. When using this option, your targeting can be specific or broad. For example, targeting people by city or metropolitan area is specific, while targeting people by state or country is broad.

#2 – Company

One of the biggest benefits of the data infrastructure provided by LinkedIn’s marketing platform is that it allows you to target different companies. LinkedIn has extensive data on the companies in its network.

#3 – Demographics

LinkedIn demographics targeting option has two categories – member gender and member age. Member gender depends on what a user puts on their profile, while member age estimates the user’s profile information.

#4 – Education

The education targeting option targets users based on their field of study, degrees, and member schools. The field of study category focuses on a member’s degree’s major area of study. This option also targets people based on their selected degrees.

#5 – Job Experience

Like the company targeting option, job experience also has several options for targeting users. Through job experience, you can target users based on their job functions. Please note that the job function is a standardized grouping of the job title a user enters.

#6 – Interests and Traits

The interests and traits targeting option reach users based on shared group interests and individual member interests and traits. It is important to note that users’ interests and traits depend on their profile information, online engagements, and actions.

Data analytics is a highly rewarding career choice and there are many different pathways into the field. We hope this article has helped shed some light on the many learning options available to you. If you’d like to discuss your future in data with a real person, schedule a call with Syntax Technologies.

Our Data Analytics course with Business Intelligence training provides students with the remarkable opportunity to evolve as experts in the field and consequently, enter one of the most sought-after domains of the tech industry.

Sunday, May 15, 2022

How Long Does It Take to Become a Data Analyst?

The skills needed to perform Data Analyst jobs can be highly technically demanding, and data analysis can sometimes be more challenging to learn than other fields in technology. But with those challenges come rewards; with the current global shortage of data professionals, the role of Data Analyst is in demand, meaning higher pay and better job security. 

How Long Does It Take to Become a Data Analyst?

Developing the skills needed to become a Data Analyst can take anywhere between 10 weeks and four years.

This range can be explained by the fact that there are many different paths to a career as a successful Data Analyst. A bachelor’s degree in computer science has traditionally been the starting point for many data professionals (that’s the four-year method), but it’s becoming increasingly common for Data Analysts to land positions directly from data analytics boot camps and courses, which can be completed in as little as 10 weeks.

Are Data Analytics Courses Worth It?

The data analytics courses are an increasingly worthwhile investment and can help you master relevant programming languages like Python. These accelerated courses have many advantages over four-year degrees, as they allow for more hands-on learning and targeted skills development.

What’s more, the demand for data professionals has never been higher and is only expected to keep on growing. In addition to the number of new positions being created in data analytics – which number in the millions – employers also reward up-to-date data training in their existing employees, ensuring that they’re keeping up with the pace of change.

Salaries for data roles already compare favorably to other careers in tech, but even if you’re already working in the data field, boosting your skillset and gaining new specializations could bump your salary further. BrainStation’s data certificate courses were created to help professionals take advantage of these opportunities, allowing them to gain hands-on experience uncovering new insights from data sets, making data-driven predictions, and generating striking data visualization.

Friday, May 13, 2022

5 Benefits of Data Analytics for Your Business

The rich variety of data that enterprises induce contains precious perceptivity, and data analytics is the way to unleash them. Data analytics can help an association with everything from bodying a marketing pitch for an individual client to relating and mollifying pitfalls to its business. 

Let's take a look at five of the benefits of using data analytics.

1. Personalize the client experience

Businesses collect client data from numerous different channels, including physical retail, e-commerce, and social media. By using data analytics to produce comprehensive client biographies from this data, businesses can gain perceptivity into client geste to give a more individualized experience.

Take a retail apparel business that has an online and physical presence. The company could dissect its deal data together with data from its social media runners and also produce targeted social media juggernauts to promote their-commerce deals for product orders that the guests are formerly interested in.

Associations can run behavioral analytics models on client data to optimize the client experience further. For illustration, a business could run a prophetic model on e-commerce sale data to determine products to recommend at checkout to increase deals.

2. Inform business decision-making

Enterprises can use data analytics to guide business opinions and minimize financial losses. Prophetic analytics can suggest what could be in response to changes to the business, and conventional analytics can indicate how the business should reply to these changes.

For case, a business can model changes to pricing or product immolations to determine how those changes would affect client demand. Changes to product immolations can be A/ B tested to validate the suppositions produced by similar models. After collecting deal data on the changed products, enterprises can use data analytics tools to determine the success of the changes and fantasize the results to help decision-makers choose whether to roll the changes out across the business.

3. Streamline operations

Associations can ameliorate functional effectiveness through data analytics. Gathering and assaying data about the force chain can show where product detainments or backups appear and help prognosticate where future problems may arise. However, an enterprise could condense or replace this seller to avoid product detainments, If a demanding cast shows that a specific seller will not be suitable to handle the volume needed for the vacation season.

In addition, numerous businesses — particularly in retail — struggle to optimize their force situations. Data analytics can help determine the optimal force for all of an enterprise's products grounded on factors similar to seasonality, leaves, and temporal trends.

4. Alleviate threats and handle lapses

Pitfalls are everyplace in business. They include client or hand theft, uncollected receivables, hand safety, and legal liability. Data analytics can help an association understand pitfalls and take preventative measures. For case, a retail chain could run a propensity model — a statistical model that can prognosticate unborn conduct or events — to determine which stores are at the loftiest threat for theft. The business could also use this data to determine the quantum of security necessary at the stores, or indeed whether it should divest from any locales.

Businesses can also use data analytics to limit losses after a reversal occurs. However, it can use data analytics to determine the optimal price for a concurrence trade to reduce force, If a business overestimates demand for a product. An enterprise can indeed produce statistical models to automatically make recommendations on how to resolve intermittent problems.

5. Enhance security

All businesses face data security threats. Organizations can use data analytics to diagnose the causes of past data breaches by processing and visualizing relevant data. For instance, the IT department can use data analytics applications to parse, process, and visualize their audit logs to determine the course and origins of an attack. This information can help IT locate vulnerabilities and patch them.

IT departments can also use statistical models to prevent future attacks. Attacks often involve abnormal access behavior, particularly for load-based assaults such as a distributed denial-of-service (DDoS) attack. Organizations can set up these models to run continuously, with monitoring and alerting systems layered on top to detect and flag anomalies so that security pros can take action immediately.

Start realizing the benefits of data analytics

To gain the best results from data analytics, an enterprise needs to polarize its data for easy access in a data storehouse. Sew is a simple data channel that can replicate all of your association's data to your storehouse of choice. 

To learn all these things you need a deep knowledge of data analytics. Syntax technologies provide the best remote data analytics course. Enroll now!

How Can Data Analytics Improve Business Decisions?

The capability to decide certain criteria or key performance pointers (KPIs) from data can be delicate. With data scattered throughout an association, getting intertwined information in a timely manner can also prove to be problematic. Generally, getting the asked information or perceptivity your business needs to contend frequently takes too long and requires too important trouble.

This is frequently due to a probable lack of analytics capabilities. The data is readily available, but there's no available tool that provides fast access. However, data or business judges could do rapid-fire, tone-service data visualization, If there were. And again, the data is frequently scattered, which means staff must first manually gather the data before they can indeed start their analysis.

For case, due to the use of multiple deal operations, businesses probably have access to several sources of data, including marketing or fiscal data excerpts in a CSV or Excel train format. They may indeed pull in fresh data that was attained on an ad-hoc base from away. Before conducting any analysis still, the data must be intermingled, most likely by trying to use a spreadsheet like a database, and also erecting criteria or analyses from that.

This data-gathering process is much more delicate and time-consuming than factual data analysis. And since it’s also veritably homemade, it’s not unremarkable, so when the new analysis is demanded three weeks latterly, that delicate and time-consuming process has to be done again.

This approach also creates a data thickness issue. Far too frequently, associates partake in a spreadsheet that gets streamlined over time. As a result, the original spreadsheet becomes out of sync, since different brigades have used different performances with no bone penetrating a common and current source. Emulsion this issue with formula crimes between performances and broken links is essential to spreadsheet sharing. All the typical problems that arise with spreadsheets come into play then, but indeed more so when trying to use a spreadsheet as a new database.

There are also governance and security enterprises. For platoon members responsible for financial planning and analysis, emailing core fiscal information on spreadsheets or participating in them via SharePoint (or another collaboration tool) are parlous security practices that could expose your company to cybercrime.

Personalize the customer experience

Businesses collect customer data from many different channels, including physical retail, e-commerce, and social media. By using data analytics to create comprehensive customer profiles from this data, businesses can gain insights into customer behavior to provide a more personalized experience.

Take a retail clothing business that has an online and physical presence. The company could analyze its sales data together with data from its social media pages and then create targeted social media campaigns to promote its e-commerce sales for product categories that the customers are already interested in.

Organizations can run behavioral analytics models on customer data to optimize the customer experience further. For example, a business could run a predictive model on e-commerce transaction data to determine products to recommend at checkout to increase sales.

Read this guide to understand more benefits of data analytics -

Thursday, May 12, 2022

How Do You Get Started with Four Types of Data Analytics?

How Do You Get Started with Descriptive Analytics?

It’s likely you’ve espoused some form of descriptive analytics internally, whether that be stationary P&L statements, PDF reports, or reporting within an analytics tool. For a true descriptive analytics program to be enforced, the generalities of repetition and robotization of tasks must be top of mind. Repetition in that a data process is formalized and can be regularly applied with minimum trouble ( suppose the report of a daily deal), and robotization in that complex tasks (VLOOKUPS, incorporating excel spreadsheets, etc.) are automated — taking little to no homemade intervention. The most effective means to achieve this is to borrow an ultramodern analytics tool that can help regularize and automate those processes on the aft end and allow for a harmonious reporting frame on the frontal end for end druggies.

Despite only being the first pillar of analytics, descriptive analytics also tend to be where the utmost associations stop in the analytics maturity model. While extremely useful in framing literal pointers and trends, descriptive analytics tend to warrant a palpable call to action or conclusion on why the commodity passed which leads us to the coming pillar of analytics individual analytics.

How Do You Get Started with Diagnostic Analytics?

Being at the Diagnostic analytics phase likely means you’ve espoused an ultramodern analytics tool. Utmost ultramodern analytics tools contain a variety of hunt-grounded or featherlight artificial intelligence capabilities. These features allow for detailed perceptivity and a subcaste deeper (for illustration the Key Motorists visualization in Power BI, or Qlik’s hunt- grounded sapience functionality). To be clear, these are an effective featherlight means to address Diagnostic analytics use cases but aren't a means to full-scale perpetration. Software vendors like Sisu have erected their core business around addressing Diagnostic analytics use cases (what they call “ stoked analytics”) and are a great bet.

Individual analytics is an important step in the maturity model that unfortunately tends to get skipped or obscured. However, also jumping to Predictive analytics and trying to answer “ what will be to deals in 2021” is a stretch in advancing overhead in the analytics maturity model, If you can not infer why your deals dropped by 20 in 2020.

How Do You Get Started with Predictive Analytics?

At the onset of any Predictive analytics make, three core rudiments need to be established

  • Identify a problem to break,
  • Define what's you want to prognosticate, and
  • State what you'll achieve by doing so.

To start you should collect data, organize data in a useful way to allow for data modeling, cleanse your data and review overall quality, and eventually determine your modeling ideal.

While modeling takes up the limelight in Predictive analytics, data fix is a pivotal step that needs to be first. This is why associations with a gemstone-solid foundation in descriptive and individual analytics are better equipped to handle Predictive analytics. Simply put, the time and trouble to fix, transfigure, and ensure data quality for retrospective reporting has formerly taken place. The root should be fairly well laid to snappily identify and work data for the modeling phase. I always encourage guests with well-defined KPIs and business sense in a specific business reporting area ( suppose deals reporting for illustration) to use that as the first prophetic analytics use case. The thing is to decide value snappily, and there's no better place to start than an area where you know data is well defined and of high quality.

Predictive analytics is the opening to the coming step — Prescriptive analytics.

How Do You Get Started with Prescriptive Analytics?

Prescriptive analytics is generally considered the coupling of descriptive, individual, and prophetic analytics. Getting started isn’t so much a step-by-step list but rather the time and trouble upfront to make your capabilities within the analytics maturity wind.

Simply put, there's no starting point in Prescriptive analytics without the needful first three pillars of ultramodern analytics being established first. However, also quantifying your call to action and the beginning criteria will be the first demand If you’re ready for Prescriptive analytics. For illustration, if the use case is to call corrective action for a hand ( i.e. – fresh training grounded on poor performance) also the factors that bear this action must be forcefully established and the action itself must be easily defined.

Moving through the data analytics maturity model shouldn’t be a race. Knowing how each kind of analytics helps you more understand your data and how to use it move your business objects forward is crucial to realizing the return on investment in data and analytics.

To learn all these things you need a deep knowledge of data analytics. Syntax technologies provide the best remote data analytics course.

What Are the Four Different Types of Analytics and How Do You Use Them?

Analytics is a broad term covering four different pillars in the ultramodern analytics model. Each plays a part in how your business can more understand what your data reveals and how you can use that perceptivity to drive business objects.

As associations collect further data, what they use it for and how they dissect and interpret that data becomes further nuanced. Data without analytics doesn’t make important sense, but analytics is a broad term that can mean a lot of different effects depending on where you sit on the data analytics maturity model.

Ultramodern analytics tend to fall into four distinct orders descriptive, individual, prophetic, and conventional. How do you know which kind of analytics you should use when you should use it, and why?

Understanding the what, why, when, where, and how of your data analytics helps to drive better decisions timber and enables your association to meet its business objectives. In this blog, we will bandy what each type of analytics provides to a business, when to use it and why, and how they all play a critical part in your association’s analytics maturity.

Four Types of Analytics

Descriptive Analytics

What's Descriptive Analytics?

Descriptive analytics answer the question, “ What happens?”. This type of analytics is by far the most generally used by guests, furnishing reporting and analysis centered on once events. It helps companies understand effects similar as

  • How important did we vend as a company?
  • What was our overall productivity?
  • How numerous guests churned in the last quarter?

Descriptive analytics is used to understand the overall performance at an aggregate position and is by far the easiest place for a company to start as data tends to be readily available to make reports and operations.

It’s extremely important to make core capabilities first in descriptive analytics before trying to advance overhead in the data analytics maturity model. Core capabilities include effects similar as

  • Data modeling fundamentals and the relinquishment of introductory star schema stylish practices,
  • Communicating data with the right visualizations, and
  • Basic dashboard design chops.

Diagnostic Analytics

What's Diagnostic Analytics?

Individual analytics, just like descriptive analytics, uses literal data to answer a question. But rather than fastening on “the what”, individual analytics addresses the critical question of why a circumstance or anomaly passed within your data. Diagnostic analytics also be to be the most overlooked and skipped step within the analytics maturity model. Anecdotally, I see most guests trying to go from “ what happened” to “what will be” without ever taking the time to address the “ why did it be” step. This type of analytics helps companies answer questions similar as

  • Why did our company deals drop in the former quarter?
  • Why are we seeing an increase in client churn?
  • Why are a specific handbasket of products extensively outperforming their previous time deal numbers?

Diagnostic analytics tends to be more accessible and fit a wider range of use cases than machine literacy/ prophetic analytics. You might indeed find that it solves some business problems you allocated for prophetic analytics use cases.

Predictive Analytics

What's Predictive Analytics?

Predictive analytics is a form of advanced analytics that determines what's likely to be grounded on literal data using machine literacy. Literal data that comprises the bulk of descriptive and diagnostic analytics is used as the base of erecting prophetic analytics models. Predictive analytics helps companies address use cases similar as

  • Predicting conservation issues and part breakdown in machines.
  • Determining credit threat and relating implicit fraud.
  • Prognosticate and avoid client churn by relating signs of client dissatisfaction.

Prescriptive Analytics

What's Prescriptive Analytics?

Prescriptive analytics is the fourth, and final pillar of ultramodern analytics. Prescriptive analytics pertains to true guided analytics where your analytics is defining or guiding you toward a specific action to take. It's effectively the coupling of descriptive and diagnostic analytics to drive decision timber. Being scripts or conditions ( suppose your current line of freight trains) and the ramifications of a decision or circumstance ( corridor breakdown on the freight trains) are applied to produce a guided decision or action for the stoner to take (proactively buy further corridor for precautionary conservation).

Prescriptive analytics requires strong capabilities in descriptive, individual, and prophetic analytics which is why it tends to be planted is largely by technical diligence ( canvas and gas, clinical healthcare, finance, and insurance to name a many) where use cases are well defined. Conventional analytics help to address use cases similar as

  • Automatic adaptation of product pricing grounded on anticipated client demand and external factors.
  • Drooping select workers for fresh training grounded on incident reports in the field.

Prescriptive analytics primary end is to take the educated conjecture or assessment out of data analytics and streamline the decision-making process.

To learn all these things you need a deep knowledge of data analytics. Syntax technologies provide the best certification in data analytics

Wednesday, May 11, 2022

Soft Skills for Data Analyst

The Data Analyst Technical Skills are not the be-all and end-all of a Data Analyst’s professional story. It is definitely a very important part of it; however, the other side which focuses on the Soft/Non-Technical Skills needed to be a Data Analyst is equally important. 

Critical Thinking

In analyzing data, there is often much beyond what meets the eye. As a Data Analyst, it will be important for you to comprehend, beyond what is explicitly visible and derive implications, beyond the facts alone. This entails the requirement to think critically and out of the box. Being able to think critically implies, possessing an analytical bent of mind and using that ability to analyze data, as well as derive meaningful insights from the information at hand. 

Communication Skills

One of the significant Skills required for a Data Analyst is a good command of your ability to communicate. Data Analysts need to work in close connection with developers, IT representatives, organizational leaders, clients as well as other Data Analysts.  It is not simply enough to be able to conduct Data Analysis, but it is equally important to be able to communicate those findings to other professionals who might happen to be from a completely non-technical background. This entails the need to be proficient in the ability to communicate your findings in as easily understandable a manner as possible. 

Problem-Solving Skills

The objective of interpretation and analysis of Data is often tied with the aim of preventing and solving business problems and issues. As a Data Analyst, it will be important for you to possess Problem-Solving Skills as they will help you, not only in detecting problems but in also coming up with viable solutions for dealing with the same.

Presentation Skills

Presentation Skills for Data Analyst is closely tied to the Data Visualization skill mentioned above. However, it also goes beyond that. As a Data Analyst, you should be able to come up with the best means for Data Visualization, and at the same time, you should possess excellent Communication Skills, for verbally presenting those findings to the stakeholders.

Given the future prospects of a career as a Data Analyst, it would only be wise to pursue one’s profession in the field. We, at Syntax Technologies, provide you with an exciting opportunity for developing expertise as a Data Analyst expert. We help you develop Data Analyst Skills in line with the industry standards and demands of the tech world. Enroll now for our Data Analytics course.

Tuesday, May 10, 2022

Kickstart Your Career in Data Analytics

Companies use data analytics to draw meaningful conclusions about the millions of information they gather about their guests every day. It helps them to reveal trends, produce criteria, and find the answers to burning questions that wouldn’t indeed have an answer without moment’s sophisticated analysis software. This perceptivity is also used to ameliorate business operations.

With the continuing digitization of the ultramodern world, demand for data judges is growing presto. Studies show that nearly 70 of employers in the U.S. say they’ll prefer campaigners with data chops by 2021.

This composition explores some of the different aspects of data analytics and the chops and liabilities involved in the field. You’ll come down with a better understanding of the part of a data critic and the different pathways to entering this instigative new area of tech.

Traditional Learning Options for Data Analytics

Recruiters looking to fill an entry-level data analyst position will always look favorably on candidates who have completed a data analytics program with a reputable institution.

Indeed a degree in statistics, economics, or mathematics is suitable for a starter position as a data critic. You can also make your knowledge on the job and add chops like SQL, Python, or R to your portfolio. Endured data judges frequently make double or further than an entry-position data critic. Below is a list of data analytics programs offered by universities in the US.

1. Carnegie Mellon University

Course Master of Computational Data Science

Duration 2 times

Position Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania

Core courses Machine Literacy, Cloud Computing, and Data Science Seminar

Tracks available Systems and Mortal- Centered Data Science

2. Stanford University

CourseM.S. in Statistics and Data Science

Duration 2 times

Position Stanford, California

Core courses Numerical Linear Algebra, Discrete Mathematics and Algorithms, Optimization, Stochastic Styles in Engineering or Randomized Algorithms and Probabilistic Analysis, Preface to Statistical Conclusion, Preface to Retrogression Models

Data Analytics Online Courses

Still, there are numerous short-term instrument courses available online, If the time and expenditure of a council degree aren't for you. Some of the popular courses in data analytics are as follows:

At Syntax Technologies, We give a largely rated data analytics course. Syntax provides tailored programs for in-demand skills in the IT industry. We are a student-focused Bootcamp that goes beyond preparing the students for their new IT career, teaching them new skills, and supporting them in the job market.

Final Thoughts

Data analytics is a highly rewarding career choice and there are many different pathways into the field. We hope this article has helped shed some light on the many learning options available to you. If you’d like to discuss your future in data with a real person, schedule a call with us. We’ll be happy to help.

Read this guide to learn more Data Analyst Skills That You Need to Master

Data Analyst Skills That You Need to Master

Today, data touches every aspect of our lives. The quantum of data generated daily has grown over the once decade — and it keeps growing exponentially. Former estimates were at 44 zettabytes of structured and unshaped data stored electronically by 2020. More recent numbers indicate that the quantum of generated data is over to a stunning2.5 quintillion bytes now.

On top of that, theU.S. The Bureau of Labor Statistics predicts that the number of data critic places will increase by 25 percent between 2020 and 2030. Traditional business intelligence and analytics tools still serve businesses well, but new tools, chops, and styles are needed to manage this new reality.

That’s why data judges with the right data critic chops are in similarly high demand.

What Is Data Analytics?

At an afar-high view, data analytics is the process of gathering large quantities of data from colorful sources and manipulating it to prize precious perceptivity and make further informed opinions. This is done by recalling the data and applying algorithmic processes to find patterns, trends, correlations, and rarities. The thing is to come up with practicable conclusions to ameliorate business and organizational issues.

5 Essential Data Analyst Skills

To launch your career in data analysis, there are several chops to master and data analysis tools to influence.


The most common languages used in data critic places are R and Python. These languages can be broken down into two orders - statistical and scripting, grounded on whether the compendium must do before running.


Data critic jobs bear introductory calculation chops, specifically in statistics. While it’s better to use an important scripting language like R for huge datasets, the statistical capabilities of Microsoft Excel can handle lower bones.

Data Processing Platforms

For large data sets, data judges frequently use big data recycling platforms like Hadoop and Apache Spark. These fabrics enable data judges to query data across multiple biases, and drop, model, and interpret it to gain further in-depth sapience into connections and trends.

Getting Started in a Career in Data Analytics

Mastering a career in data analytics requires further than just specialized know- style; there are other job-related chops that are precious to have while on a data critic career path. Also known as soft chops, these chops are part personality traits and incompletely learned through experience.


Not everyone in the association can see what a data critic who's continuously heads-down in raw data can. That’s why judges need to have excellent dispatches and donation chops to partake in results and explain counteraccusations and implicit business impacts.

Critical Allowing and Creativity

Successful data judges should be suitable to dissect data objectively to come up with accurate evaluations. They must take a methodical and logical approach to the problem- working. Being creative also helps to identify obscure connections and worrisome inconsistencies to prize meaningful sapience. Suppose these two qualifications are like two sides of the same coin.

Best data analytics courses can help your CV stand out in a competitive work market. They can also assist you to find new work chances and raise your compensation. Certifications also vouch for your abilities.

Because certifications are industry-specific, you need first to decide on a specialty. Certain certification tests also require a bachelor's degree in computer science, math, or statistics.

Read this guide to learn more Data analytics training - Become a Data Analyst

Data Analytics Training - Become a Data Analyst

 Data analysis has become a critical component of most firms' success nowadays. We spend a significant amount of our work and personal time online, as you are aware. We utilize websites and web applications for everything from meetings to research to shopping, ordering food, and keeping in touch with friends. Every second we spend online generates a vast amount of data that may be analyzed to learn more about our preferences and activities.

Data analysis is the process of gathering, cleaning, and analyzing data in order to extract useful information. Businesses can use these findings and conclusions to help them make key decisions. Basically, if businesses know how their target audience acts online, they can market to them better.

We've got a list of some of the most common ways to get started in data analysis and the pros and cons of each.

What Does a Data Analyst Do?

Professionals that process raw data about products, customers, and a company's performance are known as data analysts. They then convert this information into a format that business stakeholders can understand. Their duty is to extract insights from the data after they've seen it. Business managers can make informed decisions to benefit the company once these insights have been gained.

Train to Become a Data Analyst

Data analysts are in high demand as more firms discover the value of leveraging data to better understand their markets and consumers. Data analytics is increasingly being used by businesses to help them expand.

If you want to pursue a career in data analytics, you'll be entering a hard and continuously changing profession. As the field advances, so will your career options; be assured, working in this profession will be extremely gratifying.

You must obtain the necessary abilities to begin a career in data analytics. There are several routes you can take to do this. We’ve listed the different ways that you can train to become a data analyst below.

Courses & Training Programs Available Online

Online courses and training programs for data analysts are becoming more popular. Anyone from anywhere in the world can participate in this type of schooling. It's especially well-suited for working professionals who wish to change careers and establish a new high-paying data analytics career.

Data analytics may appeal to professionals who have a strong interest in mathematics and statistics. If this describes you, online courses and training programs can help you improve your knowledge and develop the skills you require. Online classes provide the following benefits:

Another option for obtaining this in-demand IT skill is to enroll in a data analytics Bootcamp. They're short-term programs that will give you the intensive training and abilities you'll need to land a career as a data analyst. Because of the convenience of learning at home with a flexible schedule and the appeal of gaining skills that lead directly to a long-term profession, this style of learning and training has recently grown in popularity.

Our Data Analytics Bootcamp will teach you how to master the following skills:

  • Modern businesses use data analytics.
  • Excel fundamentals and presentation skills
  • Using Tableau to tell a story with data
  • Python and statistics: a deeper dive
  • Using SQL and Python to work with databases

Certifications in data analysis can help your resume to stand out in the competitive job market. They can also help you pave your way for new job opportunities, and even help you get a hike in your salary. Certifications also validate your skills.

However, since certifications are industry-based, you should first choose where you want to specialize. A bachelor’s degree in computer science, math, or statistics is necessary to qualify for certain certification exams too.

Read this guide to learn more 

Thursday, May 5, 2022

Data Analyst: Frequently Asked Questions

 Being a data analyst can open doors to other careers. Many who start as data analysts go on to work as data scientists. Like analysts, data scientists use statistics, math, and computer science to analyze data. A scientist, however, might use advanced techniques to build models and other tools to provide insights into future trends.

Frequently asked questions (FAQ)

Is Data Analyst A Good Job?

Data analysts tend to be in demand and well paid. If you enjoy solving problems, working with numbers, and thinking analytically, a career as a data analyst could be a good fit for you.

What Should I Study To Become A Data Analyst?

Most entry-level data analyst positions require at least a bachelor’s degree. Fields of study might include data analysis, mathematics, finance, economics, or computer science. Earning a master’s degree in data analysis, data science, or business analytics might open new, higher-paying job opportunities.

Does Data Analysis Require Coding?

You might not be required to code as part of your day-to-day requirements as a data analyst. However, knowing how to write some basic Python or R, as well as how to write queries in SQL (Structured Query Language) can help you clean, analyze, and visualize data.

Is It Hard To Be A Data Analyst?

Some of the technical and math skills involved in data analytics can be challenging. But it’s completely possible to learn them with the right mindset and plan of action.

How Do I Get A Job As A Data Analyst With No Experience?

Sometimes even junior data analyst job listings ask for previous experience. Luckily, it’s possible to gain experience working with data even if you’ve never had a job as an analyst. Degree programs, certification courses, and online classes often include hands-on data projects. If you’re learning on your own, you can find free data sets on the internet that you can work with to start getting experience (and building your portfolio).

If you are thinking of how to get a Data Analyst job without experience, one of the best means could be to enroll in a Data Analytics course in an online Bootcamp. Apart from valuable mentorship, placement opportunities, a well-structured curriculum, and flexibility; the option would offer you end-to-end assistance, even as you happen to be a newcomer to the tech world. We, at Syntax Technologies, provide you with exactly such an amazing opportunity. With top-notched data training, we help you establish your foothold within the job market. 

Tuesday, May 3, 2022

What Does a Data Analyst Do?

A data analyst collects, cleans, and studies data sets to assist in problem-solving. Here's how you can get started on your path to becoming one.

A data analyst gathers, cleans, and interprets data sets to answer questions or solve problems. They work in a variety of fields such as business, finance, criminal justice, science, medicine, and government.

What types of customers should a company target in its next advertising campaign? What age group is most susceptible to a specific disease? What behavioral patterns are associated with financial fraud?

These are the kinds of questions you might be asked as a data analyst. Continue reading to learn more about what a data analyst is, what skills you'll need, and how you can get started on the path to becoming one.

Data analysis is the process of gleaning insights from data to inform better business decisions. The process of analyzing data typically moves through five iterative phases:

  • Identify the data you want to analyze
  • Collect the data
  • Clean the data in preparation for analysis
  • Analyze the data
  • Interpret the results of the analysis

What are the tasks and responsibilities of a data scientist?

A data analyst is a person whose job is to gather and interpret data in order to solve a specific problem. The role includes plenty of time spent with data but entails communicating findings too. 

Here’s what many data analysts do on a day-to-day basis:

Gather data: Analysts often collect data themselves. This could include conducting surveys, tracking visitor characteristics on a company website, or buying datasets from data collection specialists.

Clean data: Raw data might contain duplicates, errors, or outliers. Cleaning the data means maintaining the quality of data in a spreadsheet or through a programming language so that your interpretations won’t be wrong or skewed. 

Model data: This entails creating and designing the structures of a database. You might choose what types of data to store and collect, establish how data categories are related to each other, and work through how the data actually appears.

Interpret data: Interpreting data will involve finding patterns or trends in data that will help you answer the question at hand.

Present: Communicating the results of your findings will be a key part of your job. You do this by putting together visualizations like charts and graphs, writing reports, and presenting information to interested parties.

What tools do data analysts use?

During the process of data analysis, analysts often use a wide variety of tools to make their work more accurate and efficient. Some of the most common tools in the data analytics industry include:
  • Microsoft Excel
  • Google Sheets
  • SQL
  • Tableau
  • R or Python
  • SAS
  • Microsoft Power BI

Data Analytics and Business Intelligence Course at Syntax Technologies

Syntax Technologies' Data Analytics and Business Intelligence course (DA/BI) is one of the best training programs on the market. The program is designed to train people with little to no programming experience to become data professionals who combine analytical and programming skills - using data manipulation, data visualization, data cleansing, and other techniques to make sense of real-world data sets and create data dashboards/visualizations to share your findings.

What makes Syntax Technologies unique?

Interviews – Our instructors will prepare you for the job interviews, alongside your IT skills. You’ll also have a chance to work with our mentors and recruiting partners through mentorship sessions and MOC interviews to leave a remarkable impression in your upcoming interviews.

How to Become a Data Analyst in 2022

Data analytics jobs can be found in a variety of industries, and there is more than one way to get your first job in this in-demand field. Here are some steps to becoming a data analyst, whether you're just starting out in the professional world or changing careers.

Data analysts gather, clean, and study data to help guide business decisions. If you’re considering a career in this in-demand field, here's one path to getting started:

Get a foundational education.

If you're new to the world of data analysis, you should begin by learning the fundamentals of the subject. Getting a broad overview of data analytics can help you decide if this is the right career for you while also providing you with job-ready skills.

Most entry-level data analyst positions used to require a bachelor's degree. While many positions still require a degree, this is changing. While a degree in math, computer science, or another related field can help you develop foundational knowledge and boost your resume, you can also learn what you need through alternative programs such as professional certificate programs, boot camps, or self-study courses.

Build your technical skills.

Getting a job in data analysis typically requires having a set of specific technical skills. Whether you’re learning through a degree program, professional certificate, or on your own, these are some essential skills you’ll likely need to get hired.

Take a look at some job listings for roles you’d like to apply for, and focus your learning on the specific programming languages or visualization tools listed as requirements.

In addition to these hard skills, hiring managers also look for workplace skills, like solid communication skills—you may be asked to present your findings to those without as much technical knowledge—problem-solving ability, and domain knowledge in the industry you’d like to work.

Work on projects with real data.

Working with data in real-world settings is the best way to learn how to find value in it. Seek out degree programs or courses that include hands-on projects with real-world data sets. There are also a number of free public data sets available that you can use to create your own projects.

Investigate climate data from the National Centers for Environmental Information, delve deeper into the news with data from BuzzFeed, or use NASA open data to devise solutions to looming challenges on Earth and beyond. These are just a few examples of data available. Choose a topic that interests you and look for data to practice with.

Get an entry-level data analyst job

After gaining some experience working with data and presenting your findings, it’s time to polish your resume and begin applying for entry-level data analyst jobs. Don’t be afraid to apply for positions you don’t feel 100-percent qualified for. Your skills, portfolio, and enthusiasm for a role can often matter more than if you check every bullet item in the qualifications list.

If you’re still in school, ask your university’s career services office about any internship opportunities. With an internship, you can start gaining real-world experience for your resume and apply what you’re learning on the job.

Consider certification or an advanced degree.

As you move through your career as a data analyst, consider how you’d like to advance and what other qualifications can help you get there.

If you’re considering advancing into a role as a data scientist, you may need to earn a master’s degree in data science or a related field. Advanced degrees are not always required, but having one can open up more opportunities.

If you are someone who is looking for a headstart in a career in Data Analytics or Business Intelligence; some relevant statistics might prove to be really encouraging.
1. It is estimated that by 2023, over 33% of Business Enterprises will resort to Decision Intelligence.
2. Data Analytics streamlines and expedites the process of decision-making, making it 5x faster.

3. The Business Intelligence market on a global scale is expected to grow to $33.3 billion by 2025.

4. 7 out of 10 Business Enterprises rate the discovery of data as extremely important.

5. The Covid-19 pandemic propelled the adoption rate of Business Intelligence.

Data Analytics and Business Intelligence Course at Syntax Technologies

Syntax Technologies' Data Analytics and Business Intelligence course (DA/BI) is one of the best training programs on the market. The program is designed to train people with little to no programming experience to become data professionals who combine analytical and programming skills - using data manipulation, data visualization, data cleansing, and other techniques to make sense of real-world data sets and create data dashboards/visualizations to share your findings.

Top Data Analytics Tools You Need To Know In 2022

The term 'Data' has been around for a long time. In an era when 2.5 quintillion bytes of data are generated every day, data plays a critical role in business decision-making. But how do you think we'll handle so much data? In today's industry, there are several roles that deal with data to gain insights, and one such critical role is that of a Data Analyst. To glean insights from data, a Data Analyst requires a plethora of tools. This Top Data Analytics Tools article will discuss the top tools that every budding Data Analyst to a skilled professional must learn in 2022.

Programming Languages: R & Python

R and Python are the top programming languages used in the Data Analytics field. R is an open-source tool used for Statistics and Analytics whereas Python is a high-level, interpreted language that has an easy syntax and dynamic semantics. 

Products: Both R and Python are completely free and you can easily download both of them from their respective official websites. 

Companies using: Companies such as ANZ, Google, Firefox use R, and other multinational companies such as YouTube, Netflix Facebook use Python.

Recent Advancements/ Features: Python and R are developing their features and functionalities to ease the process of Data Analysis with high speed and accuracy. They are coming up with various releases on a frequent basis with their updated features.

Microsoft Excel

Microsoft Excel is a platform that will help you get better insights into your data. Being one of the most popular tools for Data Analytics, Microsoft Excel provides the users with features such as sharing workbooks, working on the latest version for real-time collaboration, and adding data to Excel directly from a photo, and so on.

Microsoft Excel offers products in the following three categories:
  • For Home
  • For Business
  • For Enterprises
Few of the versions are available for free for 1 month. All these products have various versions which differ in features and their pricing options.

Companies using:  Almost all organizations use Microsoft Excel on a daily basis to gather meaningful insights from the data. A few of the popular names are McDonald’s, IKEA, Marriot.

Recent Advancements/ Features: The recent advancements vary on the basis of the platform. A few of the recent  advancements in the Windows platform are as follows:
  • You can  get a snapshot of your workbook with Workbook Statistics
  • You can give your documents more flair with backgrounds and high-quality stock images absolutely for free.


Tableau is a market-leading Business Intelligence tool used to analyze and visualize data in an easy format. Being named as a leader in the Gartner Magic Quadrant 2020 For the eighth consecutive year, Tableau allows you to work on a live data set and spend more time on Data Analysis rather than Data Wrangling.

Products: Tableau Product Family includes the following:
  • Tableau Desktop
  • Tableau Server
  • Tableau Online
  • Tableau Reader
  • Tableau Public
Out of all, Tableau Public is a free Tableau software that you can use to make visualizations but you need to save your workbook or worksheets in the Tableau Server which can be viewed by anyone.

Companies using: Multinational organizations such as Citibank, Deloitte, Skype, and Audi use Tableau to visualize their data and generate meaningful insights.

Recent Advancements/ Features: Tableau is coming up with frequent updates to provide users with the following:
  • Fast Analytics
  • Smart Dashboards
  • Update Automatically
  • Ease of Use
  • Explore any data
  • Publish a dashboard and share it live on the web and on mobile devices.
The growing demand for and importance of data analytics in the market has resulted in numerous job openings worldwide. Shortlisting the top data analytics tools becomes more difficult as open-source
 tools are more popular, user-friendly, and performance-oriented than paid versions.

Data Analytics and Business Intelligence Course at Syntax Technologies

Syntax Technologies' Data Analytics and Business Intelligence course (DA/BI) is one of the best training programs on the market. The program is designed to train people with little to no programming experience to become data professionals who combine analytical and programming skills - using data manipulation, data visualization, data cleansing, and other techniques to make sense of real-world data sets and create data dashboards/visualizations to share your findings.